
Category: Disability
Photo of Evie's reflection in a window with a backdrop of city lights

Photo of Evie's reflection in a window with a backdrop of city lights'My experience accessing mental health support at university' #IChoseToDisclose

Blog post written by recent graduate volunteer Evie Wynn who talks about her own mental health and how she found support at university.
22 Nov 2023
Person on scaffolding

Person on scaffoldingRegulation and the safety of students

UMHAN Trustee, Phil Scarffe, comments on issues at the heart of student safety.
26 Jun 2023

LogoPositive Digital Practices - using Positive Learner materials

Welcome to the first of three upcoming blog posts on using materials from the Positive Digital Practices project!
30 Jan 2023

'Clear messaging for early return to campus'.

Members report anxiety around returning to campus for students with MH conditions.
22 Mar 2021

ADSHE, Patoss and UMHAN - joint statement about Disabled Students' Allowances

Our joint response to an article in Disability News Service.
16 Dec 2019

'Diagnosis – Help or Hindrance?'

Kate Noble, Specialist Mental Health Mentor and UMHAN member gives her thoughts on the diagnostic process and how this impacts her work.
15 May 2019

'Not special treatment but Reasonable Adjustments'.

Research suggests an increase in the number of students receiving adjustments due to mental health. UMHAN members share their expertise.
13 Jul 2017
UMHD 2015 logo

UMHD 2015 logo'What should I expect?': #IChoseToDisclose

What you should expect when disclosing information about your mental health as we encourage you to think about your rights.
18 Feb 2015
UMHD 2015 logo

UMHD 2015 logo'What if?' #IChoseToDisclose

For UMHD 2015 we have compiled a list to help students make an informed decision disclosing information about their mental health condition.
12 Feb 2015
University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN). c/o The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Tel: 07510 734544 Registered charity number: 1155038. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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