All UMHAN meetings are members only except for the occasional ad hoc session.

  • Lunch & Learns are open to all members and are held approximately once a month, normally (but not always) on a Thursday lunchtime
  • Adviser and Mentor meetings are held monthly
  • Manager meetings are held once every six weeks
  • Associate meetings are held once a term
  • Profession specific meetings are usually held once a term.

Please contact Rachel if you would like to request a member meeting e.g. profession specific, region or NMH manager. 

UMHAN members really value the meetings: 

The ability to network and share best practice with our peers across the UK 
A chance to have a safe space to discuss things taking place.

Image by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels. 

If you are unable to attend a meeting or just want to revisit an old one, we record them - just go to the green Event Recordings block above. 

Many UMHAN members find the recordings are useful for their Continuing Professional Development (CPD):

Being able to access meeting & training recordings is very helpful 
The recordings are really useful!  

decorativeManager Meeting January 2025

This is a meeting for Manager members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
15 Jan 2025 9:30am
Members only

decorativeAssociate Meeting January 2025

This meeting is for Associate members of UMHAN.
16 Jan 2025 2:00pm
Members only

Adviser Meeting January 2025

This is a meeting for Adviser members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
20 Jan 2025 10:00am
Members only

Mentor Meeting January 2025

This is a meeting for Specialist Mental Health Mentor members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
20 Jan 2025 12:00pm
Members only

Lunch & Learn - Impact Measurement Scale (IMS) (rescheduled)

With Kirsty Hutchinson, Manager of the Welfare and Counselling Service, Student Health and Wellbeing Services at Newcastle University.
23 Jan 2025 1:00pm
Members only

Lunch & Learn - SHARE (Students’ mental Health Assessment, Reflection & Experiences) Study

With Dr. Emma Broglia, Lecturer in Psychology specialising in student mental health at the University of Sheffield.
20 Feb 2025 1:00pm
Manager pointing to a flip chart.

Manager pointing to a flip chart. Manager Meeting February 2025

This is a meeting for Manager members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
26 Feb 2025 12:00pm
Members only

Mentor Meeting February 2025

This is a meeting for Specialist Mental Health Mentor members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
27 Feb 2025 1:00pm
Members only

Adviser Meeting February 2025

This is a meeting for Adviser members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
27 Feb 2025 2:30pm
Members only
Notebook with tick boxes.

Notebook with tick boxes. Occupational Therapist Meeting March 2025

A meeting for Occupational Therapist members to meet with peers, discuss practice and share ideas.
6 Mar 2025 12:30pm
Members only
Manager pointing to a flip chart.

Manager pointing to a flip chart. Manager Meeting March 2025

This is a meeting for Manager members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
24 Mar 2025 2:00pm
Members only

photo-of-people-sitting-near-wooden-tableAdviser Meeting March 2025

This is a meeting for Adviser members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
25 Mar 2025 12:00pm
Members only
People looking at a computer screen.

People looking at a computer screen. Mentor Meeting March 2025

This is a meeting for Specialist Mental Health Mentor members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
26 Mar 2025 12:00pm
Members only

Counsellor Meeting April 2025

This meeting is for members with a Counselling background, to meet peers and discuss relevant issues.
7 Apr 2025 12:00pm
Members only

Nurse Meeting April 2025

This meeting is for members with a nursing background to meet peers and discuss relevant issues.
7 Apr 2025 2:30pm

Social Work Meeting April 2025

This meeting is for members with a Social Work background to meet peers and discuss relevant issues.
8 Apr 2025 1:00pm

decorativeAssociate Meeting April 2025

This meeting is for Associate members of UMHAN.
15 Apr 2025 11:00am
Members only
Image of Martyn the session speaker.

Image of Martyn the session speaker. Lunch & Learn - Supporting autistic students with their mental health

With Martyn Brown - Disability and Mental Health Manager at Kingston University and UMHAN member.
24 Apr 2025 1:00pm

Adviser Meeting April 2025

This is a meeting for Adviser members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
29 Apr 2025 11:00am
Members only

Mentor Meeting April 2025

This is a meeting for Specialist Mental Health Mentor members to meet peers, share best practice and discuss topics pertinent to the role.
29 Apr 2025 3:00pm
Members only
University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN). c/o The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Tel: 07510 734544 Registered charity number: 1155038. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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