If your life is at imminent risk, please call 999 for immediate help.
If you need urgent medical advice call the NHS 111 (England & Wales) or NHS 24 (Scotland) - T: 08454 242424
Call 08000 562 561
Education Support provides a free helpline where staff can speak to a qualified counsellor 24/7
This support can also be accessed by email or live chat and offers a translation service for all languages.
Text Shout 85258
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK and the service is free from the majority of mobile phone networks.
If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, trained Shout Volunteers are here for you, day or night.
Call 116 123
The Samaritans helpline offers non-judgemental listening.
You can also email, or write a letter and they have a Welsh-language option.

We also have a list of universal services on our "For Students" information page. This includes links to more mental health helplines and websites to help you plan how to talk to your GP.