Selected Research and Policy Publications
A European Commission report from Riva et al. (2024) reviews the international literature that explores mental health and well-being issues for staff and students in higher education.
The Higher Education Policy Institute released a policy note in 2019, where it highlighted the need for clarity in terminology and data collection in measuring student mental health: "Measuring well-being in higher education".
The Office of the Independent Adjudicator produced a blog post (2019) and framework (2019) on the subject of Fitness to Practice.
Vol 10 no 3 (2019) of the Student Success Journal (open access - free to view) focussed on Psychological Wellbeing and Distress in Higher Education with 11 papers exploring related topics.
"Towards an evidence-base for student wellbeing and mental health" published in 2019 (Barkham et al.) argues that better definitions are needed in student mental health to ensure that research data is measuring like for like.
The Institute for Public Policy Research produced the report "Not by degrees: improving student mental health in the UK's Universities" (2017). This includes key findings and recommendations for both HEIs and Government.
"The invisible problem? Improving students' mental health" - a HEPI report by an undergraduate student (2016).
The Royal College of Psychiatrists' 2011 report "Mental Health of Students in Higher Education", highlighted some of the reasons students are particularly at risk of developing mental health difficulties, and the challenges they might face in accessing support; Student Minds' published their report "Grand Challenges" in response to this.
For the latest data on disclosure of mental health conditions (and other equality data), see the Office for Students' data tables.
Advance HE has a number of papers and projects on the topics of mental health and wellbeing. Membership is required to view most of their publications (if you are employed by a university, your institution may have membership). Advance HE members can access their Equality in Higher Education statistical reports.
UCAS produce end of cycle reports on widening participation data including mental health.
The Office of The Independent Adjudicator publishes case summaries including those relating to students with diagnosed mental health conditions.
Image by Maayan Nemanov on Unsplash.