The University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN) is a national UK charity, with 20 years’ experience in student mental health. We are a network of mental health specialists working in education. We aim to advocate for people with mental health conditions and influence policy development in education, mental health, and disability. To do that, we work collaboratively with several organisations and individuals on research and development. Please see our Publications page for details of some of our collaborations.
Research at UMHAN
We encourage our members to be research active as well as undertaking our own research projects. We adhere to the principles of research integrity set out in the Concordat to support research integrity (Universities UK, 2019) and are committed to:
1. Upholding the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research
2. Ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal, and professional frameworks, obligations, and standards
3. Supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice, and support for the development of researchers
4. Using transparent, timely, robust, and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise
5. Working together to strengthen the integrity of research and to review progress regularly and openly (2019, p.1).
Working collaboratively with UMHAN
Thank you for your interest in working collaboratively with UMHAN.
If any of the following statements are applicable, please complete our form.
- You would like UMHAN to collaborate as a partner in your research project/study or similar
- You would like UMHAN to promote a call for research participants for your research project via its membership
- You would like UMHAN to endorse or promote your research project findings/ report/ article to its membership
We will ask you a number of questions to enable us to assess whether your research aligns with our aims, vision, and its relevance to our membership.
Our aims:
- Policy development in the fields of education, mental health, and disability
- Tools and support for mental health staff working in education
- Removing barriers to the full participation of students with mental health conditions in education.
Our vision:
- For students with mental health conditions to be supported by professional practitioners
- For students with mental health conditions to know their rights and how to access support
- For the sector and general population to have a better understanding of mental health conditions
- For UMHAN to be the primary membership organisation for mental health practitioners working in education.
Research ethics
Ethical clearance or approval from your own institution should be obtained, however, if this is not possible, it may be feasible to obtain ethical clearance directly from UMHAN. Please email UMHAN’s Policy and Engagement Officer, Dr. Rachel Spacey for more information.
At UMHAN we observe the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research which represent the tenets of best ethical practice that many members of the educational research community adhere to. They are applicable to independent researchers and those based in third sector organisations who do not have access to an institutional process.
UMHAN has a responsibility to its members and the wider student community to ensure that research is undertaken with an ethic of respect for the researched. UMHAN is particularly mindful that students with mental health conditions, for example, are vulnerable and may find participation in research which focuses on their mental health uncomfortable and/or distressing.
Please note that due to the nature of our work, and that of our members, we cannot help with general requests to promote participation in research to students.
We are keen to support research that applies the principles of co-production or co-creation with students and staff. For more information about co-production please see the Resources section.
We would also signpost potential collaborators to Part 1 of the Recommended Checklist for Researchers from the UK Research Integrity Office (2023) for a thorough checklist of good research practice.
If you require any further information relating to research collaboration, participation or ethics at UMHAN please contact: [email protected]
BERA (2024) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research (fifth edition)
UKRIO (2023) Recommended Checklist for Researchers
Universities UK (2019) The Concordat to Support Research Integrity
Co-Production Collective (2021) What does co-production mean to us?
Co-Production Collective (2022) The Value of Co-Production Project. Version 1.0. Interactive Summary
Wavehill (2022) Co-creating mental health initiatives with students. Final report to the Office for Students