During this period, UMHAN will be celebrating it’s 20th year.
As well as reflection, there will be opportunities to consider how we continue to develop to meet new demands for both ourselves as a charity, our members, and students with Mental Health Conditions.
Student Mental Health continues to be a key focus for many organisations in the sector, including universities, colleges, schools and students themselves.
Formal disclosure of Mental Health Conditions by students continues to increase year on year, however within many education providers staffing has not increased proportionately. This is at a time of increased scrutiny and focus on value for money and providing an evidence base for “what works”.
Additionally, the sector faces many challenges over the coming years: responding to the pandemic, Brexit, Disabled Students’ Allowances reform and more.
During this period our priorities will be adapted to respond to the current landscape and will also be updated on a yearly basis and in response to feedback from our members and other stakeholders.
Please download our Strategic Priorities document to find out more about our values and vision, and priorities for 2021-2024.
Photo by sk on Unsplash.
Our vision
For students with Mental Health Conditions to be supported by well-trained, knowledgeable and professional practitioners - to reduce risk and increase safety for them as they study.
For students with Mental Health Conditions to know their rights and how to access available support.
For the sector and general population to have a better understanding of Mental Health Conditions – including both the potential impact on study, but how people with Mental Health Conditions can and do live meaningful, positive and productive lives.
For UMHAN to be the primary membership organisation for multidisciplinary Mental Health Practitioners working in education and to be recognised for promoting and enabling effective, high quality and varied support provision.