N.B. Please note UMHAN is not delivering or administering this training. For all queries, please contact First Steps [email protected]
Free Eating Disorders CPD Training for Professionals in Universities
Our foundation courses aim to raise awareness and knowledge around eating disorders and disordered eating and the range of presenting factors which often effect people struggling with their conditions.
Additionally, these courses demonstrate a range of support tools that can be adapted in various professional settings. It will not train you in a specific eating disorder instead the training will equip you with the information and skills to spot the signs and take an evidenced based approach to support someone at risk of eating difficulties and eating disorders.
We are pleased to offer any professional working with University Students in England and Wales with this fully funded CPD accredited training programme which has been commissioned by Student Space.
The programme offers five different modules, each of 90 minutes in duration and delivered online via Microsoft Teams (you do not need to have a Microsoft Teams account to join the training modules).
Eating Disorders All Ages and Genders – All recognised clinical presentations
This CPD accredited foundation course aims to raise awareness and knowledge around eating disorders and disordered eating. Additionally, the course demonstrates a range of support tools and can be adopted in various professional settings. It will not train you in a specific eating disorder, instead the training will equip you with the information and skills to spot the signs and take an evidence based approach to support someone at risk of eating difficulties and eating disorders.
Intended Outcomes:
- Gain a greater understanding of eating disorder types, signs, symptoms and effects on the individual and vulnerable groups
- Be aware of NHS and NICE guidelines treatment options, best practice approaches and referral processes
- Understand different evidence based management support needed for adults, young people and children
- Gain a greater understanding of what recovery means with regard to eating disorders
- Develop a greater understanding of how to have a conversation and build a relationship with an individual with an eating disorder
- Gain an insight into support tools and strategies that you may use with eating disorder clients and discuss how to use ‘Green Shoots’ to focus on positives
Course fee £0.00. Delegates receive a 90 minute CPD Certificate on completion.
Friday 21st May 2021 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Wednesday 16th June 2021 10:30am to 12:00pm
Tuesday 20th July 2021 10:00am to 11:30am
To join please use the following Microsoft Teams Link https://bit.ly/3bii581
Body Image and Perception
Body Image and Perception plays a vital role with regard to positive mental wellbeing. In 2019, PACEY (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years) conducted research which showed that nearly a quarter of childcare professionals had witnessed anxieties with body image and/ or weight stigma in children as early as 3-5 years old, with 37% of practitioners having heard statements such as ‘she/ he is fat’ in their setting.
Early intervention with regard to psychoeducation around Body Image from parents/ carers and professionals plays a vital role in the development of body confidence and self-esteem in an individual. This CPD accredited training will develop and enhance knowledge with regard to what Body Inage and Perception is, the role media plays, the functioning body and supporting strategies that can be implemented to offer support in any sector and setting.
Intended Outcomes:
- Understand the term Body Image and Perception
- Understand the functioning body and the changes to the body over the course of a lifespan
- Understand how the media and society impact on Body Image and Perception
- Acquire supporting strategies and development of a toolbox of self-care which can be adopted in your sector and setting
Course fee £0.00. Delegates receive a 90 minute CPD Certificate on completion.
Tuesday 18th May 2021 10:30am to 12:00pm
Friday 11th June 2021 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Friday 16th July 2021 10:30am to 12:00pm
To join please use the following Microsoft Teams Link https://bit.ly/3hh9dmK
Nutrition and Mood
Nutrition and Mood is the key to a healthy body and mind. Understanding the impact our diet has on the way we feel is key in maintaining overall wellbeing. This CPD accredited training explores influential factors such as the principles of healthy eating and the importance of including all food groups in the diet.
The course also introduces nutrition in the context of eating disorders. Whether you want to improve your knowledge around diet and health for personal reasons or wish to develop your professional understanding when supporting others, this training provides a comprehensive understanding of the key topics surrounding nutrition and health.
Intended Outcomes:
- Explore principles of healthy eating
- Understand the roles of the macro-nutrients in physical and mental health
- Consider food in a non-diet mind frame
- Use food and nutrition information to form a health relationship with food
- Understand the principles of weight management on positive Body Image
- Understand eating disorders and obesity
Course fee £0.00. Delegates receive a 90 minute CPD Certificate on completion.
Wednesday 26th May 2021 10:30am to 12:00pm
Wednesday 30th June 2021 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Thursday 15th July 2021 10:30am to 12:00pm
To join please use the following Microsoft Teams Link https://bit.ly/34hB2nd

About First Steps
First Steps ED are a leading eating disorder and mental health charity supporting people of all ages, genders and backgrounds including their families and carers, providing support services and skills training to parents/ partners and professionals.
Our Experience
Working with clients who suffer from eating disorders and difficulties can be challenging, but the support and care is available if you know what is required and where to refer for help. Indications that statutory services are under continued pressure to provide support, the case for more professionals across different settings to be able to identify the signs and signpost to local services grows stronger.
First Steps ED understands that professionals working in the fields of health and social care, as well as in education and leisure are often best placed to help detect, prevent, and support people affected by eating disorders. We know that early intervention is vital to ensure the long-term wellbeing of those affected and can avoid situations reaching crisis point.
We deliver our CPD training workshops to GP students, recognising that each new GP only receives about 1.8 hours training and assessment on eating disorders as part of their undergraduate course, we deliver half day education sessions to student GPs to our local medical school whilst these new GPS are on placements with our acute Hospital Trusts.
With only 1 in 5 medical schools providing any training on eating disorders, we think our training and assessment should be adopted nationally.
Professionals in education environments are under pressure to support children and young people with anxiety and depression with some students developing problems around food and eating difficulties. Our CPD training for professionals and our psychoeducation workshops for students can be delivered for groups of teachers, school nurses and other education support staff and our self-esteem and body image workshops help children and young people adjust their behaviours when faced with bullying and peer pressure.
We love getting feedback like this on our training workshops:
‘I gained some new insights and different perspectives. I also very much liked being part of the group. I thought the other members were courageous, sparky, creative, interesting, bright and fun to be with”.
Consequently, First Steps offers CPD training to aid professionals working in a range of sectors and environments.