Whilst in my role as Mental Health Advisor at Loughborough University, and due to my previous experience at Rape Crisis, I was fortunate to be asked to be involved with the development of the Sexual Violence Policy.

I was tasked with designing appropriate training for a Higher Education setting which I have now delivered to 72 core student services staff.

This work has been extremely positive and so in October 2016, when Universities UK released new Guidance for Higher Education, I felt proud of how much Loughborough University had achieved so far.

So, when approached in February 2017, I was happy to contribute to Epigeum’s online ‘Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence: Guidance for Staff’. Developed by experienced practitioners, this is an excellent online module based course aimed specifically for a Higher Education setting.

In March this year I was videoed for this online resource, highlighting the key issues relating to sexual violence. 

These include: the culture relating to sexual violence, consent, how to respond to a disclosure in a professional, supportive and boundaried manner as well as safeguarding and reporting.

Now, as a Mental Health Manager at Loughborough University and UMHAN regional coordinator, I would highly recommend this training alongside appropriate policy and face to face training, as a way to start the conversation to support and empower survivors of sexual violence. 

University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN). c/o The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Tel: 07510 734544 Registered charity number: 1155038. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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